AIM High/ Saluki Commitment

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Salukis StatueThe AIM High/ Saluki Commitment is our pledge that all NEW and TRANSFER students who meet certain criteria are guaranteed that tuition and mandatory fees will be fully covered for four (transfer students) or eight (freshman students) consecutive semesters at no cost to students or families. In other words, if you qualify for the AIM High/ Saluki Commitment and your financial aid package does not completely pay for your tuition and mandatory fees, we will close the gap to make sure there are no financial barriers between you and your education. The AIM High/Saluki Commitment is part of the broader SIU System Commitment, an initiative supporting students across the SIU System and is funded by the state of Illinois AIM HIGH Program.


Who qualifies

Recipients must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be a first-time incoming freshman enrolling full-time on-campus in the fall 2021 semester or later.
  • Have a cumulative high school GPA of 2.75 or higher.
  • Have an annual family income less than $103,040 with assets less than $50,000 based on your FAFSA.
  • Be an Illinois resident who graduated from an Illinois high school.
  • Be a dependent student under age 24.
  • Be eligible for Federal financial aid.

You do not qualify if you have received a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent of 135 semester credits, are in default on any student loan, or owe a refund or repayment on any state or federal grant or scholarship.

How to qualify (and stay qualified)

  • Have a current FAFSA on file.
  • Enroll in a degree program at SIU Carbondale.
  • Stay enrolled full-time for eight consecutive fall and spring semesters.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress in order for the commitment to be renewed.

You do not need to submit additional information beyond your application and FAFSA to be considered for the AIM High/ Saluki Commitment. If you qualify, we will automatically include it in your financial aid package, and you will be notified when you receive your package.


What’s covered

Your tuition and mandatory fees will be covered after all other financial aid is applied. Coverage is guaranteed for four (transfer student) or eight (freshman student) consecutive fall and spring semesters over four years as long as you qualify and depending on continued state fund allocations. Funding is capped at 15 hours per semester. Total aid will not exceed the cost of tuition and mandatory fees, so if you receive additional offers in the future, your AIM High/ Saluki Commitment funding will be reduced accordingly.

What’s not covered

The AIM/High Saluki Commitment does not cover housing, course fees, student health insurance, parking permits and fines, summer courses, Study Abroad, books and indirect costs such as transportation and supplies. The program is for new first-time students starting Fall 2021 or later. Current students are not eligible.