How to Apply
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To apply for financial aid at SIU:
- File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- Complete FAFSA as early as possible after October 1st with Southern Illinois University Carbondale (Federal School Code 001758) listed as a school choice.
- SIU does not have an institutional financial aid application, so students only need to complete the FAFSA.
- Students who have applied for aid during the previous year should complete a Renewal FAFSA.
- Filing electronically provides the benefit of built-in edits to improve accurate completion of the application and the processing time is generally one to two weeks faster than filing the paper FAFSA.
- Students and parents of dependent students should request a FSA-ID at the U.S. Department of Education’s web site:
- The FSA-ID serves as an electronic signature, which significantly improves the processing time.
- A federal customer service telephone helpline is available at 800/433-3243 or 319/337-5665.
Application Results or Changes
- A FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) is provided to students, electronically or on paper, when the financial aid application is processed.
- The FSS should be reviewed for accuracy and completeness.
- If the FSS has errors, corrections should be completed, signed, and the FSS submitted to the address indicated for reprocessing or electronic corrections can be made at the U.S. Department of Education’s FAFSA web site by using the FSA-ID.
- When a correct FSS is received, it should be retained by the student.
- SIU receives FSS information electronically, so it is not necessary for a paper FSS to be submitted to SIU.
- If a financial aid application has been filed, but SIU was not listed as a school choice, a school change should be initiated. This may be done by using the FAFSA Submission Summary or FSS (obtain a duplicate FSS by calling 800/433-3243) or through the U.S. Department of Education's FAFSA web site by using the FSA-ID. Students admitted to SIU Carbondale may also request that the Financial Aid Office initiate a school change. Southern Illinois University Carbondale (Federal School Code 001758) should be entered as a school choice.