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Check out these different options:
- SIU Events Calendar is a great resource to utilize for seeing different events happening on campus.
- Support YOUR Salukis! Admission to sporting events is FREE with your student ID. Check Saluki Athletics for dates and times of games.
- Enjoy the outdoors at the Touch of Nature Environmental Center!
- Take advantage of the different activities available to you through the Student Center!
- Get fit at the Rec Center!
- Join one of the intramural sports teams - many are special interest groups that include bass fishing, quidditch, gymnastics, and soccer to name a few.
- Join an RSO! This is a great way to network and meet new people.
- Go paddle boating or kayaking on campus lake!
- Keep up-to-date on concerts being held at Shyrock Auditorium or the SIU Arena!
- Watch for movie nights at the SIU Arena and Saluki Stadium!