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Save Your Money

Check out how to save money when you travel:

  • Book your flight or train ticket early if you live far away. The closer it gets to breaks, the more expensive tickets will be!
  • Utilize flight comparison websites (ex. Expedia, Travelocity, Kayak, etc..).
  • Check out for student deals.
  • COMPARE: train rides can be just as relaxing as flights and can sometimes be more cost effective.
  • Carpool: Start carpooling with your friends - it saves you money and is more environmental friendly.
  • Take group trips and pitch in for gas.

Navigating the SIU Campus and Carbondale area:

Are you bringing your car, bike or scooter to campus? Visit for more information about registering your vehicle with SIU.

  • Take advantage of SIU's Saluki Express program! It's faster than dealing with parking! Click here for more information. 
  • During the evening, take the Night Safety Transit as it runs later than the Saluki Express.
  • Ride your bike or walk when it is nice outside!
Identity Theft

Learn How to Protect Yourself From Identity Theft!